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Colon Cancer Screening

Colorectal cancer is among the most common cancers in Australian men and women.

Screening is one of the best forms of prevention because colorectal cancer is one of the few types of cancer in which precancerous polyps can be identified and removed to prevent progression to cancer.

How is colon cancer screening performed?

Colon cancer can be performed in one of two ways.

Firstly, stool testing for blood (faecal occult blood testing – FOBT) is available to all Australians over 50, or those with a high-risk family history over 40. It checks your stool for microscopic traces of blood which might herald a colon cancer. All patients with a positive FOBT should ideally proceed to colonoscopy for further assessment.

Secondly, patients can proceed directly to a screening colonoscopy if they are over 50 and have a high-risk family history of colon cancer:

  • One first-degree relative with colorectal cancer diagnosed under 55 years
  • Two first-degree relatives with colorectal cancer diagnosed at any age
  • One first-degree relative and at least two second-degree relative with colorectal cancer diagnosed at any age

Some patients may require screening at an even earlier age if they have three or more family members affected by colon cancer.

The doctors at Glengarry Gastroenterology are highly focused on preventative screening for colon cancer. We are highly proficient and experienced endoscopists, each recertified by the Australian Recertification in Colonoscopy Conjoint Committee (RCCC). If you require a colonoscopy, or have any questions about your screening requirements, then please contact us to arrange an appointment with our friendly staff and we would be happy to assist.