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Liver Lesions

Liver lesions usually cause no symptoms, and are most often detected incidentally through radiographic imaging, such as an ultrasound, CT, or MRI.

Liver lesions are very common and most frequently benign. However, some types of liver lesions can be cancerous and require urgent treatment.

Once identified, a dedicated contrast CT or MR scan is usually required to diagnose the exact nature of the lesion, and determine if further treatment or follow-up is needed.

Common types of liver lesions

Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH)

FNH can grow bigger or smaller, but regardless of changes to its size, it is a completely benign type of lesion with no malignant potential. As such, once diagnosed, and FNH does not require any further monitoring.

Simple hepatic cyst

This type of lesion contains a clear, bile-like liquid and does not usually cause any symptoms. As such, once diagnosed does not typically require any further monitoring.

Hepatic adenomas

These uncommon liver lesions develop predominantly in young women, but a more aggressive form can also occur in young men. In men, they are usually removed surgically once detected, but in women, they can often be observed to check for any progressive enlargement – in which case surgery is also advised.

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

HCC is the most common form of liver cancer, usually arising in patients with pre-existing liver disease. They have a high mortality rate if not identified early. If discovered on screening tests whilst still small, then cure can be achieved with various treatments including surgical resection, burning (ablation), or liver transplant.


An aggressive type of liver cancer that originates from cells lining the bile ducts. These cancers are usually very aggressive and not easily treated, although cure is possible if detected early. Surgical resection is usually required.

The doctors at Glengarry Gastroenterology are highly experienced in the diagnosis and management of liver lesions. If cancer is diagnosed, they also have access to multidisciplinary team meetings to facilitate urgent treatment as needed. If you need our assistance for a concerning liver lesion, then please contact our friendly staff to set up an urgent appointment.